


Orthophotos - Tasmania

Orthophotos that cover Tasmania in Australia (texture quality issues are due to the texture compression method I use to reduce file size) Installation 1. Put all tile folders in your Custom Scenery folder. 2. Put the Overlay folder in the same location. 3. Open and close the sim. 4....

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Orthophotos that cover Tasmania in Australia

(texture quality issues are due to the texture compression method I use to reduce file size)


1. Put all tile folders in your Custom Scenery folder.

2. Put the Overlay folder in the same location.

3. Open and close the sim.

4. iIn the scenery_packs.ini file, make sure the lines for the tile folders are at the bottom and the overlay folder is below any airports you may have installed.


If you have X - WORLD Australia and Oceania installed then you not need to use the overlay folder.


Enjoy :)

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October 06, 2022
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2 year(s) ago — 1.0



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© HobbyJ - All rights reserved. Se prohíbe cualquier reutilización o redistribución de este archivo sin el consentimiento previo por escrito del autor. Este mod de Flight Simulator 2020 fue creado por HobbyJ and shared in Scenery Enhancements » Landscape para X-Plane 12.

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